Thursdays are usually pretty busy in the morning for me, because in addition to my usual Belleville duties, I also help paginate other Heritage Media newspapers. Thursdays are the day I help work on the Grosse Ile paper, The Ile Camera, as well as the real estate section and (sometimes) entertainment section in The News-Herald, published in the Downriver area.
Whew! Even that sentence was tricky.
Today was an extra busy, though. There were a couple of breaking news stories I wanted to get published to our website--in particular, one from our freelance writer Jerry LaVaute about the possibility of schools closing in the Van Buren public school district. Did the website decide to cooperate with me? Of course not! Finally, after about a half hour wrestling with it and calling David Veselenak, I was able to get the story posted. Never mind that I had hoped to get it posted in a few minutes, rather than 30.
But the news didn't stop there. Joe Slezak, the special sections coordinator extraordinaire (among other titles) for the News-Herald had sent Joe Gray (my co-editor) and I an email informing us that longtime Belleville football coach Bob LaPointe had passed away on Tuesday and suggested we get something up about it right away. With Joe (Gray, not Slezak--wow, this is getting confusing) being away from the office filming video, my paginating duties were briefly put on hold while I did some research into where the funeral and visitation would be held and found some background information about the kind of coach LaPointe was.
It was actually rather exciting! Reporting (if you can even call what I described above as reporting) is not one of my more favorite activities in the journalism business, but I loved the rush of adrenaline I got trying to get something up on our website before our competitors did, and was successful! Definitely a great feeling. We'll be getting more on the story in a few days, but in the meantime, I was very happy to help out in the way I did.
Now things have slowed down (hence this post, as I actually have time to write it), so it's time to get back to my other duties. But it was definitely an exciting and hectic morning taking control of the newsroom.
Like the old saying goes, it's all in a day's work!