Belleville & Ypsilanti: Inside the Newsroom

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Allergic to food

My magic number is 24. Why, you ask? Because that is the number of food allergies and sensitivities I recently found out that I have. Yes, I know, it's a lot.

Even though I may have a number of allergies, my top 3 being gluten,yeast and peanuts, I am one of the lucky ones who doesn't have a severe reaction such as my throat swelling or breaking out in hives. I more or less just get really fatigued and have other stomach issues that you probably don't care to know about.

Through my limited research, I'm coming to the realization how many people actually are allergic to gluten. Gluten-free cooking is not as hard as I thought because there is so much information available. However, now I'm realizing how conflicting some of the information is.

Some people say that a blood test for food allergies can result in a large number of false positives while others swear by it. I'm wondering if anyone else is or has had a similar experiences and what their results have been?

I'm wondering who else has food allergies and the recipes they may use. Also, if you had a blood test, just how serious did you take the results? Any input would be appreciated!

I am considering making my journey into gluten-free living a weekly blog post if I get enough responses. So come on, help me out!!


Blogger TokingPoints said...

I've heard it's been a great move for a lot of people, although I wonder if it's partially a result of cutting carbs generally since so many American-consumed carbs have gluten and avoidance of that alone could lead to significantly less carbs consumed in total.

Just a highdea.

August 11, 2011 at 2:53 PM  

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