Belleville & Ypsilanti: Inside the Newsroom

Here you can find the musings of writers and editors of the Ypsilanti Courier and the Belleville View.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Oh, how I love grunge music, and everything that came with it

When I walked into my good friend’s house this weekend, I made some sort of comment how I hadn’t heard the song that was playing on the radio in a really long time. It was something by Soundgarden but immediately, I felt myself being transported back to when I was a junior in high school.

I could almost feel my warm, comforting flannel on my skin, my love for Eddie Vedder pumping through my veins all coupled with the my rebellious, teenage angst. Ah, the good ole days. (Did I mention that I used to have a cat named Vedder, too? Yeah, I was a little obsessed).

After my comment, we got into a conversation about how some people are still stuck in a certain decade. I think we all know someone who is stuck in the 80s: the big, poofy hair, the music, the movies. Yeah, we all know one and to be honest, I know quite a few.

We came to the determination that we’re both stuck in the 90s. And we’re proud of it.

In my opinion, our gigantic cell phones and limited Internet access did us just fine. And what about the music? Do I have to mention it again? What about Pearl Jam, Blind Melon, Mother Love Bone, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, I could go on and on.

But anyways, I’m wondering if anyone else is stuck in a decade? Be it your music, fashion or whatever. I hope my friend and I are not alone.


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